Article Marketing Strategies: Choosing Keywords For Your Niche

Keyword research is absolutely essential for any article marketing strategy, because it allows you to craft and submit articles and resource boxes based on the information that your target readers are actually typing into Google.

By creating relevant content that addresses such specific needs, you are helping Google to associate your website with the words that your target customers are searching for.

You might have thought that doing keyword research was over your head--after all, isn't that something that only a SEO professional can do?

You'll be pleased to learn that doing keyword research is pretty elementary when you break it down, and most "regular" people with an interest in learning more can grasp how to do it. This article will show you how to go about compiling a list of keywords that you can use as a part of your article marketing strategies.

In this tutorial, you will be using Google's free keyword tool. But first, get yourself in the right frame of mind...

You are looking for specific phrases that represent high monetary value--there are certain types of phrases that are commonly used by people who are highly motivated to take action or find a solution.

These types of keywords and the people behind them represent high monetary value, because people who are ready to take action are also most likely to buy your products or enlist your services.

It's the difference between the person who decides to walk through a car sales lot on a whim, "just for the fun of it", and a person whose car has died and who is in desperate need of a new vehicle. When you're selling something, you want the person who is highly motivated to take action. Doing keyword research is a great way for you to attract these sorts of "hot" leads.

When searching for your key phrases, consider that there are two main things that motivate people: The pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

When you're doing your research, ask yourself:

*Does this phrase represent a relief from some type of pain or a solution to a problem that someone might be willing to spend money on?

*Also, does this phrase reflect a person who is action oriented or ready to spend money?

As an example, the keyword "seasonal allergy symptoms" is likely comprised of many people who are interested in self-diagnosing--they are in the information gathering stage.

On the other hand, a keyword like "cure seasonal allergies" represents someone who is in action mode--this person wants to do something about his or her allergies.

Likewise, keyword phrases that include the word "buy" have a very high monetary value for your business, and you don't have to guess why!

Now, let's look at the data...When you're doing your research it's about supply and demand.

Google's keyword tool can tell you the "demand" for the phrase. The "demand" is how many people are searching for a particular phrase.

When you've found some phrases that have relatively high demand and are relevant to your niche, go to the main page of Google and do a search for that phrase, as you would when you are normally "Googling" something.

Above the list of results it will say how many results there are for that search. That number reflects the "supply" for that particular keyword term. The "supply" is how many web pages are competing for that particular keyword phrase.

When deciding which phrases you will use in your article submissions, you need to consider both the supply and the demand. Is the demand high enough to make it worth it for you to shoot for that phrase? Also, is the supply reasonable enough for you to handle?

Depending on what niche you're in, you may have some keywords that are high in demand and also high in supply--in that case you're in a very competitive niche, and it will just take a more concentrated marketing effort for you to rise up the rankings for that phrase.

Or, you may find that the demand is modest, but the supply is almost non-existent. In that case you might be in a very specific field that doesn't have much competition. The payoff may not be as high in terms of website traffic, but it will be easier for you to dominate the rankings for that phrase with consistent marketing.

The absolute ideal situation would be a phrase with high demand and low supply--I call those types of phrases "gold nugget keywords". If you can find those, by all means add them to your keywords list and use them in your article submissions!

Now that you know the idea behind doing keyword research, I think you'll have an easier time wrapping your brain around how to do it. The method I've described for you here has no cost, so you can try it and get more comfortable with it. What you discover about what people in your niche are searching for can be exciting and surprising, not to mention helpful to your marketing efforts!

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